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  • Posted on
  • Fri, 4 Mar 2022

Useful Linux Commands for Networking

Useful Linux Commands for Networking

Linux, known for its flexibility and power, is a popular choice for network administration. The operating system offers a plethora of command-line tools to manage and troubleshoot networks effectively. This blog will explore some of the most essential Linux commands that every network administrator should be familiar with.

Here's a list of useful Linux commands for networking :

  • ifconfig or ip addr: Display or configure network interfaces and their IP addresses.
  • ping: Send ICMP echo requests to test network connectivity.
  • traceroute or traceroute6: Trace the route packets take to reach a destination host.
  • netstat or ss: Display network statistics, including open network connections and routing tables.
  • route: Manipulate the IP routing table.
  • nslookup or dig: Query DNS servers to resolve domain names to IP addresses.
  • host: Another command to perform DNS lookups.
  • arp or ip neigh: View and manipulate the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache.
  • iwconfig or iw: Configure wireless network interfaces.
  • ifup and ifdown: Bring up or take down a network interface.
  • nc (netcat): Utility for sending or receiving data over TCP and UDP.
  • ssh: Securely access remote servers and perform various tasks.
  • scp: Securely copy files between local and remote systems using SSH.
  • sftp: Securely transfer files between local and remote systems over SSH.
  • wget or curl: Download files from the web using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP protocols.
  • iptables or nft: Configure the Linux firewall rules (netfilter).
  • tcpdump: Capture and analyze network traffic.
  • nmap: Network scanner tool for discovering hosts and services on a network.
  • sshd: The SSH server daemon. Use to manage SSH server configuration.
  • hostname: Display or set the system's hostname.
  • ifstat or iftop: Monitor network interface traffic in real-time.
  • route: Manipulate the IP routing table.
  • mtr: Network diagnostic tool that combines traceroute and ping.
  • iperf: Measure network performance by sending TCP/UDP traffic.
  • hostapd: Host Access Point Daemon, used to create a Wi-Fi access point.

These are just some of the many networking commands available in Linux. Each command comes with various options and functionalities, so be sure to check their respective manuals (using the man command) for more details on how to use them effectively.